Site update news

14th June 20

We have made an important forum post in response to recent world events.

Many users have questioned why we haven’t made a public statement about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. We recognize that the issues brought up by the BLM movement are a priority for many members and they would like to know where we stand. We wish to make it clear the admins and staff of CS support the BLM movement.

Please click here for our full response.

1st June 20

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Can you believe that it's already June? As always, with a new month comes a new set of pets! Check out our Adopt Pages to grab all the new pets.

Make sure to adopt our annual General Helper litter! Let's celebrate all they do to help Chicken Smoothie run smoothly.

Additionally, we have some new Store Pets available for purchase this month!
Finally, make sure to enter our month Dressup Challenges as well! You can show off your General Helper cats under the "Salmon Squad" category!

1st May 20


It's a new month! Make sure to visit our Adoption Page and adopt all the new May pets!

As always, we have some new Dressup Challenges for everyone to check out! Follow the prompts and show off some of your dressed-up pets, we love seeing what everyone comes up with!

18th April 20

Our Easter event has now ended, we hope you all had fun!

17th April 20

Today is the last day to trade in your Easter tokens! Don't miss out!

There is a countdown to the end of trade-ins on the Easter page.

13th April 20


Today is our last day of new gifts / releases !

The token banner will keep appearing today and tomorrow, and the trade-ins will stay open for three more days after that. Your timezone may be different from CS' so do not wait until the last minute to spend your tokens or you may miss out! You will not be able to reuse the tokens in future events as there are different tokens for every event!

We hope you have enjoyed celebrating with us!

12th April 20

Happy Easter!

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We hope everyone is enjoying the event!

We still have some new gifts and giveaways to be released so don't forget to check our Easter Adoption Page at rollover!

8th April 20

πŸŽŠπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰Today marks 12 years since Chicken Smoothie's creation!πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽ

Wow! That makes me feel old. Some of our younger members were just babies when CS gave out its first pets :lol:
Click here to enjoy some of Chicken Smoothie's 12th birthday gifts!
Click here to show us your birthday dress-ups!

We are also celebrating our 100th Official Oekaki Challenge this month, so click here to join the Oekaki party!
Click here for news about a new oekaki feature!

We also have a brand new Jungle Dress-up Scene available! Click here to let your pets explore!

Thanks for coming to our birthday party! It's an honor to be dishing out cake to members young and old after 12 years together :)

Don't forget our Easter Egg Hunt is still on :)