Site update news

1st June 23

June 2023

Oh my it's June already! Make sure to Adopt this month's new batch!

Happy Pride Month! To celebrate, we have a bunch of giveaways on our Special Event page! These will be up all month.


We also have new Stag Store Deer available for purchase made by ~Trompy! Buy the set to get the Set Exclusive rainbow deer!

Our General Helpers teamed up to put together a Special Litter! Contributors are Ashki, Aurora Storm, axelandria, Dama, Eagle's Eye, Lennie, Oddity-Lad & Swishy & Broken!

The Birthstone Set for June is now available! These wont be back in stock until next June!

Last but not least, we have new Dressup Challenges today! Don't forget to check them out and enter for chance to be featured in our next Mid Month Update!

19th May 23

Mid Month Update - May 2023

Site Updates:

-Rarities have now been updated!
-Our new Global Mods were announced!
-Happy Endangered Species Day!! FleshCanvas has made a few gifts for everyone to adopt! These can be adopted until the end of the month!

What's coming up:

We are starting to prepare for the Summer Event!

Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

May 2023 Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

"bettas!" by felid


1st May 23

May 2023

We have a new limited edition Sea Astronomy Item Set made by Codex! These will be available until the end of June!

We also have the Emerald Birthstone set for purchase, this birthstone pack is only available every May!

As always, there are new pets to Adopt for May!

And last but not least, don't forget to check out our Dressup Challenges for this month!

15th April 23

Mid Month Update - April 2023

Site Updates:

-Rarities have now been updated! Including all Easter pets, that was fast!
-We hope you enjoyed our Easter event, thanks for all your egg hunting Totoro is very appreciative!
-We made a minor board change, the former HTML help board has been dissolved it was really inactive and outdated. Any BBCoding questions can be asked in our normal help board and any discussion about general coding or HTML design can be posted in our general discussion board moving forward!
-Global Mod apps are now closed and we are working our way through all the applications!
-Have CS Fan art you want to share? Check out our newly re-vamped submission guide - we would love to feature your creations!

What's coming up:

It's that time of year where we are starting to prepare for our annual Summer Vacation event! Over the past years we have explored everywhere from under water cities to the depths of outer space.

This year we would love to hear from the community what your dream event would be. If you have a theme concept you've been dying to see, comment on this thread to share! Maybe we will end up choosing it!

Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

April 2023 Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

"spring air" by Bria


14th April 23

There's now only about half a day left to trade in your Easter tokens!

Because timezones differ, be sure to check out the countdown timer on the Easter page to see exactly how much time is left for trade-ins!

12th April 23

Our Easter Egg Hunt is now over! You now have three days left to trade in any egg tokens you collected during the event.

Because timezones differ, be sure to check out the countdown timer on the Easter page to see exactly how much time is left for trade-ins!

8th April 23

Happy 15th Birthday CS!

We have a few Birthday Gifts to celebrate. These gifts will be up for the whole month of April!

Wow, what a milestone! I (Tess) started CS back in 2008. It began as just a basic website with pet images you could copy into forum signatures in order to "adopt" . It has grown and evolved so much over the past 15 years, and these days is managed by a whole team of artists, moderators, helpers, and administrators.

We have staff and members who have stuck around since the early days of CS, as well as many members who weren't yet born at the time CS started! It makes me feel old to know my website-child is firmly into its mid teens now, and I'm so proud to be able to share this milestone with you.

We wouldn't be here without the support of all our wonderful staff and contributors who have provided for the CS community over the years, so let's remember to show our appreciation to the team on this special day. :clap:

I'd love to hear about your fondest and funniest memories of times spent on CS, so please share your thoughts in the forum.


We hope you've been enjoying the Easter event so far! Tomorrow (April 9th - Easter) will be the last day of gifts and giveaways. After tomorrow we will also have two more days of token hunting (April 10th-April 11th). Once token hunting ends, you will have an additional three days to hand in the rest of your tokens before the trade-ins expire (April 12th, 13th and 14th in CS time)

2nd April 23

April Fools! We hope you all enjoyed this year's prank!

Click here to grab items to dress up your pets with the goofy eyes permanently.

All April Fools gifts are available until April 5th so don't miss out!