Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby web. » Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:15 pm


The tom lashed his tail in confusion.

(changing my vote to abstaining)
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Postby ItsKass » Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:59 pm

THE EXILE wrote:It began with a cry for help, a cry that shattered the fragile peace within the clan. Shock rippled through the clan, followed swiftly by fear and suspicion.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, the clan gathered at the Highrock, their faces etched with worry and uncertainty. On the Highrock itself stood Hollystar, their wise eyes scanning their clanmates.

"We cannot ignore this heinous act," declared Hollystar, her voice ringing out with authority. "Justice must be served, for the sake of our clan's honor and safety."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, but beneath the surface, tension simmered. Each member of the clan harbored their own suspicions, their own fears of being falsely accused or targeted next.

"We have to find out who did this!" urged Macawpaw, their gaze sweeping over the assembly. “I could have-" Macawpaw choked on their words for a second “I could have died”

But as the debate raged on, it became clear that reaching a consensus would not be easy. Accusations flew, each aimed at a different member of the clan. Cats that were once so close, treating each other like enemies.

In the midst of the chaos, Harrierheart stepped forward, his voice steady despite the tumult around him. "We cannot let fear and suspicion divide us," he declared, his words cutting through the clamor. "We must seek the truth, no matter the cost."

“Bold words coming from you.” Macawpaw spat at Harrierheart “Everyone knows you would just kill to have the kittypet out of Thunderclan! We all know it's what you really want!” The Apprentice continued, Their fur standing up at full now. Foxeye having to put themselves between The two cats.

“This isn't how we should resolve this, Macawpaw. Harrierheart is not our enemy.” Foxeye said to the clan. His impassioned plea had struck a chord with many, but others remained unmoved, their mistrust too deeply rooted to be swayed by mere words. And so, the rift within the clan widened, threatening to consume them all.

As the night wore on, Hollystar retreated to think in private, her face drawn with concern. Hours passed in tense silence before they emerged once more, their decision weighing heavily upon them.

“We must take a vote.” Hollystar said, her words ringing clearly through the camp. As gasps of disbelief rippled through the assembly as Harrierheart agreed. With heads bowed and hearts heavy, the clan accepted the decision, knowing that justice, however painful, must be served.

And so, as the first light of dawn broke through the canopy above, The clan voted for whom they believed had tried to take Macawpaw's life.

Hollystar counted the last vote. Fittingly, her own. She went silent for a moment, considering the votes and what to say. Hollystar was unsure of what would happen after she announced this information. But she could not put it off any longer.

“Nobody will be exiled from the clan today. The votes were evenly split.”

But in the distance, a raven made its morning call.

Uh oh, Thunderclan. A murderer is still amongst you.

(1) Leader
Rosestar // *Hollystar*
(1) Deputy
Harrierheart // montmorency
(1) Medicine Cat
Foxeye // web.
(1) Medicine Cat Apprentice
Macawpaw // Hawk WillowWatcher
(2) Warriors
Minkfur // sockwearer
Greypool // мσƨƨғıяε
(0) Apprentices
(1) Queens
Sweetberry // ghostlyhamlet
(1) Kits
Cranekit // BrightDays
(1) Elders
Dandeliontail // SnowoFall
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Postby ItsKass » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:37 am

THE KILL wrote:The forest was loud at this time of day. Blackbirds and ZGoldfinches could be heard calling to each other. Almost as if the attempt on Macawpaw’s life had been forgotten. The sins of a thunderclan cat washed away. This kind of day was perfect for FORTUNADO to patrol their territory. They had always enjoyed hearing nature. The thought of being surrounded by so much life gave them hope. Knowing Starclan had placed FORTUNADO into a clan so alive as Thunderclan was soothing. Any cat as fortunate as them would have taken the chance to enjoy nature for a minute before clan duties called to them once again. This is where FORTUNADO found themselves before stumbling on MONTRESOR strolling the forest as well.

“MONTRESOR, How nice to see another clan mate here! I didn't think any cat would want to leave the camp so soon after the attack? What brings you out here at this hour?”

“Well dusk is such a lovely hour is all” MONTRESOR replied, a slight grit to their voice, perhaps a bit on edge from the murder attempt.

But FORTUNADO couldn’t agree more. Despite MONTRESOR not being the most conversational currently they were certainly correct about how lovely of an hour dusk was. FORTUNADO gladly told MONTRESOR about the birds and wildlife in the area that were currently chirping loudly whilst the pair walked. The two walked all around the territory, enjoying the scenery when MONTRESOR spoke.

“Hey, FORTUNADO. I was out a while ago and found these abandoned tunnels, I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me identify them. Since you know so much about wildlife.”

FORTUNADO agreed without hesitation. He had full trust in his clanmate, Knowing they would never hurt him. FORTUNADO and MONTRESOR walked throughout the territory all while talking about the local prey and plants. FORTUNADO did not perceive that MONTRESOR’s smile now was at the thought of his immolation. MONTRESOR was almost gleeful at the thought of a dead FORTUNADO. FORTUNADO had been a resolute cat their entire time knowing eachother. MONTRESOR just hoped that FORTUNADO’s morals werent the only thing he liked about stone.

The pair walked to the front of abandoned caves, Smelling for any sign of enemy animal that would not appreciate two cats in their den. Both cats sniffed around the tunnels, a faint scent of badger surrounding them.

“It smells like badger here, but its not fresh enough to be a problem!” FORTUNADO said, inspecting the tunnels further “And by the looks of it these are badger tunnels. See that they’re wider than they are tall? That's the sign of a badger tunnel” FORTUNADO continued, telling MONTRESOR about the badger tunnels. The tunnels looked very intact and stable. FORTUNADO ventured further into them, using their senses to guide them through the tunnels, but MONTRESOR broke the silence after a few minutes. “Is this a good idea? We've never been in here before…”but FORTUNADO scoffed “its just badger tunnels, they don't get that complicated! We'll be fine!”

The two continued, little light followed them. FORTUNADO led the way through the tunnels, looking for something he wasn't even sure existed. The pair continued on still, FORTUNADO's need to find the end of the tunnels unrelenting.

“You know, ive been having these weird dreams… That say this weird phrase”
“What's the phrase?”
“Nemo me impune lacessit.”
“Thats definitely weird, maybe someone else in camp would know about that? Ask around when we get back!”

MONTRESOR nodded, their smile growing more. FORTUNADO would not be making it back to camp today.

“I'll make sure to!” oooooooooooooooo

They both continued on, the tunnels were dark and damp. FORTUNADO made sure to comment on this. The two finally found the end of the tunnel, FORTUNADO was satisfied with his adventure. He took in all of the smells from the bottom of the tunnel, proud of himself that he and his clanmate had explored these new tunnels. oooooooooooooo

“Lets go back up now, it must be late”oooooo

Silence from MONTRESOR. o

“MONTRESOR? let's go back up now?” FORTUNADO called again, trying to find MONTRESOR. That's when FORTUNADO heard it, the crashing of rocks around them. FORTUNADO cried and tried to escape the tunnels. The entrance had been blocked, and FORTUNADO had been trapped. With MONTRESOR nowhere to be found. oooooooooooo

“In pace requiescat, Harrierheart.” said MONTRESOR, before returning to camp without a word. oooooooooooo

One witness gone, Thunderclan.

[center](1) Leader
1 // *Ho1llystar*
(0) Deputy
Harrierheart // montmorency
(1) Medicine Cat
Foxeye // web.
(1) Medicine Cat Apprentice
Macawpaw // Hawk WillowWatcher
(2) Warriors
Minkfur // sockwearer
Greypool // мσƨƨғıяε
(0) Apprentices
(1) Queens
Sweetberry // ghostlyhamlet
(1) Kits
Cranekit // BrightDays
(1) Elders
Dandeliontail // SnowoFall

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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby ghostlyhamlet » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:59 am

    Sweetberry | rank; queen | location; nursery | tags; Cranekit | vote; n/a

    The queen woke up with a small yawn, glancing down at Cranekit before wrapping her tail tighter around him as she closed her eyes again. She just wanted to enjoy the last few quiet moments before the kit would awaken and she'd have her paws full with their bundling energy.

    ooc; apologizes for the inactivity, dealing with some medical/health issues atm
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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby DaisieGames » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:34 am

Cranekit awoke, feeling Sweetberry wrap her tail around. Not ready to get up, she snuggled closer to her mother and enjoyed the calmness for a bit. "May I in a few minutes go see Dandeliontail?" she asked.
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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby *Hollystar* » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:08 am

Rosestar|Leader|Tags; the Clan

Rosestar had been searching all morning, but her deputy was nowhere to be found. The pit of uneasiness in her stomach was almost enough to consume her. How can I do this without Harrierheart? Who now can I possibly trust? She paced back and forth with eyes narrowed and tail lashing. She came to the conclusion that she could not leave this unaddressed.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" The way her yowl echoed through the camp gave her the shivers. But she had to remain strong in front of her clan. She sat pensively as the cats gathered beneath her as she pondered how to break the news. "Harrierheart has gone missing... I fear the worst for him."
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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby web. » Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:12 pm


Foxeye awoke to the leader's call, his heart dropping. Something must have happened.
He got to his paws quickly, nudging Macawpaw with his paw as he swiftly moved out of the den.

As he settled himself beneath the highrock amongst his clanmates, he listened intently to Rosestar. Harrierheart had gone missing? It was unlike him to get lost, especially in their territory. Something must have happened.
"Who was the last to see Harrierheart?" he asked, looking up at his leader and then around at his clanmates.
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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby мσƨƨғıяε » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:30 am


Just a hearbeat before she was ready to leave the warrior's den she heard the summoning of their clan leader. *Oh StarClan, please no...* with a restless feeling in her stomach Greypool joined her other clan mates. "Harrierheart has gone missing... I fear the worst for him." now completely jolted awake, the young warrior couldn't stop looking around the gathered cats, hoping she could still find their deputy among them like nothing has happened.
*Please.... let all this be just one big dream... I wanna wake up!*

*If you are going to cancel your trade after 10min,
telling me you are "clearing out old trades",
please refrain from sending me any.
Thank you.

*Gave up on "collecting every pet" and
am now mostly just looking for a few
I think look neat.

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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby SnowoFall » Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:33 am

Tags: Foxeye
Dandeliontail had been up since Rosestar had left the camp earlier in the morning, as the rustling noises she made as she left the entrance tunnel had woken him up. He gathered beneath the highrock alongside the rest of his clanmates, and was shocked to hear of the news. Upon hearing Foxeye's question, Dandeliontail spoke up "I saw him yesterday afternoon, not long before the sunset... he said he was going to head out to patrol the territory, but that is where i left him so I could go back to Cranekit. I went to sleep early then, most of the clan was still awake, and I just assumed he would've come back soon..."
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Re: Murderers in ThunderClan V.7

Postby ItsKass » Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:28 am

voting is now open!
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